Orinthal Shelley

Shelley - please don't call him Orinthal, he hates that - is a laid back kind of guy. A former metal head, he isn't part of the scene anymore but still loves the music. Stalwartly anti fascist and anti-bully, he won't hesitate to use his fists if a situation calls for it. Despite this, he is a friendly guy, if a bit awkward.

Orinthal Shelley


  • 5'11"

  • 198 lbs

  • Dark Brown hair, greying at the temples

  • Pale blue eyes

  • Pale skin




Shelley is a kind man. Despite his awkward and slightly cold exterior, he is warm and friendly. Shelley is perfectly comfortable in himself and his work; in fact, he takes extreme pride in what he does and will be offended if someone expresses distaste for Mortuary work.

Fun Facts

  • Has extremely cold hands

  • Wears steel-toed boots at all times

  • Can't keep a plant alive

  • Full of bad jokes

  • Has a tattoo on his ass

  • Competent Bisexual